Thursday, March 13, 2014

Paleo Diet - Day 4

Breakfast: Coco Loco Smoothie, Scrambled Eggs & Turkey Bacon
Smoothie - Coconut water, Pineapple, Banana
Scrambled Eggs made with Almond Coconut Milk
Salt & Pepper to taste
Turkey Bacon baked in the oven

Lunch: Chicken Salad & Iced Tea
Left over Slow Cooker Chicken
Fresh Baby Spring Mix
Iced Tea, no sweetener

Dinner: Almond Chicken Fingers

Paleo Diet - Day 3

Breakfast: Kale Smoothie w/ Scrambled Eggs
Kale Smoothie - Kale, Strawberries, Blueberries, Banana
Scrambled eggs with Almond Coconut Milk (make sure to spray pan with Coconut Oil Spray)
Salt & Pepper to taste

Lunch: Lettuce Chicken Wrap
Replace tortilla or bread with lettuce
Left over slow cooker chicken

Dinner: Pan-Seared Cajun Spice Cod Filet & Broccoli
Wild-Caught Pacific Cod
Cajun Seasoning
Coconut Oil
Frozen Broccoli

Snack: Fresh Pineapple

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Paleo Diet - Day 2

Well Day 2 went a little bit differently than I had planned but it happens. I woke up with a terrible headache this morning and took some Excedrin and went back to bed until about noon. So no breakfast this morning but I continued the day normally with my lunch and dinner.

Breakfast: None

Lunch: Scrambled eggs with a Superberry Smoothie
Scrambled eggs with Almond Coconut Milk
Superberry Smoothie - Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, & Raspberries

Dinner: Slow Cooker Chicken with Broccoli & Cauliflower
Whole Roasted Chicken drizzled with Olive Oil and spices for taste
Broccoli & Cauliflower with Garlic Herb spice

After my second full day, I can honestly say I've had ZERO stomach aches. This is a huge accomplishment for me!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Paleo Diet - Day 1

Today is my first day of starting the Paleo Diet and I couldn't be more excited to get healthy and hopefully solve my stomach issues! In order to stick with it, I decided to start a blog sharing my daily eating habits and possibly inspire someone else to try it as well.

Day 1

Breakfast: A classic smoothie

Lunch: Eggs & Bacon
Scrambled eggs with Almond Coconut Milk
Turkey Bacon with pepper

Dinner: Chicken Wings & Broccoli and Cauliflower
Chicken Wings with Frank's Red Hot Sauce (all natural ingredients)
Frozen Broccoli & Cauliflower mix

If you're interested in any recipes from my meals, just ask.